

if you peek'd in here before 
you know; I had a 
s i t u a t i o n 
not that long ago.

this here is a totally different story,
this is my peace of cake,
I'm talking about soulfood.

three layers of creamy serene,
completely raw & filled with so much goodness
it makes me wanna do a happy dance


the road to this cake-bliss is surprisingly simple,

throw away the fake flour,
chuck the big headed butter &
kick that two faced sugar to the curb. 

let go of what doesn't serve you,
hold on to simple, clean & fresh.

peace of cake, peace of mind.
I'm talking about soulfood.

Stay hungry  Stay soulfullish'



| all words, cake making & recipe by emma lemholt |
| all photography by hannah lemholt |
| soundtrack to this peace of cake & happy dance
 is Leela James's Soul Food |
if I'm short on time; two jars of renée voltaires 
'heavenly spread, cashew & sesamebutter' works a charm
as a stand in for makin' your own cashew butter |


  1. I just found your blog and fell in love!
    I absolutely love your photos and enticing way of writing.
    Everything is very inspiring and I want to try everything.
    Take care.


    1. Oh thank you darlin' Louise,

      what a wonderful comment & compliment..

      I visited your blog! and ended up at a personality test..

      ha! love that stuff!

      Much love to you


  2. Jag känner mig utvald - Jag är en avsmakare, MMMmmmmMama

  3. your blog always makes me want to go home for cooking or baking something yummy....and it always...ALWAYS makes me hungry.
    Oh my... ;oD Happy yummy day for you E!

    1. schnucki T,

      if your hungry, I'm happy : )



  4. Hello Emma,
    What a delicious recipe - I am drooling at your pictures, all the more as I just messed up a cake in my oven, which I opened while baking sponge: curiosity killed the cat.
    And the cake.
    Enjoy the sweet things and see you soon here!

  5. an impatient daydreamer you are..

    try this cake:) no oven required.. no waiting..
    perfect for you..

    lots of love


  6. Lovely Salma,

    I'm a fool! all thumbs! a real klutz!! ..I'm afraid

    yes. I accidently erased you comment :(

    now luckily I d i d read it first.. sooo

    I'm all for experimenting in the kitchen.. although
    I would think almond butter is a better alternative than
    peanut butter in this case. also it is a bit healthier..
    and maybe easier to find ready in the store than cashew butter
    also try going online and see if you can buy
    raw cashew butter near you..

    ..or make it yourself! it
    is easier than you think..

    Salma from vienna.. I'm confident you will love this cake!
    please try it and let me know what you think:)
    and I would love to hear what hubby has to say aswell:)

    Lots of Love


    1. Haha, nevermind ;)

      And thanks a lot for your help with all those nut butters ;-) maybe I'll try the cashew butter... we'll see. If I do, I will let you know! :)

      Have a lovely new week!
